Monday 14 March 2011

Old School is Cool!

In this blog 'Simon says wear that!' we will be addressing what society calls the norm. Generally speaking no one dares to go against the norm - it will be looked down upon and one will feel abnormal.

Today I decided to step back into the 80's and go against the 'normal dress code' for this day and age. I got a few heads turning and was laughed at. I don't blame them. My bright, shiny pink blouse with huge shoulder pads and purple heals is not considered the ‘norm’ in society in this day.

“One only has to think of the discomfort which is commonly felt when looking at old photographs of oneself in clothes which are no longer fashionable to see how fashion imposes a sense of time onto the experience of the adorned self. This moment of reflection on the presentation of self is moment when the internal duree, the internal flow of time, is halted or disrupted and the self as experienced in the ‘now’ has to reflect upon the ‘old’ presented self. In this way, then, a sociology of dress and the practices of the fashion industry could use these phenomenological terms to look at how the experience of attending to and expressing the body is socially and temporally constituted.” (Entwistle,2000;32)

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