Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Dress Really Matters!

Should one be treated differently because of the clothes they wear? Does what we wear really matter?

Today I was dressed up like I am going to a 90’s pop party. In the morning I went to a mall and a guy I know walked passed but he could hardly greet me which is not like him. Was I ignored because of what I was wearing? Was it because I was not dressed ‘normally’?
On the other hand I got far more attention than I do when I am ‘normally’ dressed. I was whistled at and complimented too. I got smiled at and men were shouting comments out their window while driving past.

Entwistle points out how we become so constructed to time and fashion in society.

“The everyday practice of getting dressed involves conscious awareness of time because to engage with experience of dress (in the west at least) one cannot usually avoid the temporal constraints of fashion. The experience of fashion imposes an external sense of time: fashion changes, indeed fashion is by definition temporal. Time is socially contracted by the fashion system through the circle of collections, shows and seasons which serve to halt the flow of ‘now’ by means of projections into the future. Fashion orders the experience of self and the body in time, and this ordering of time must be accounted for in the consideration of subjective modes of attending to one’s body through clothing and style.  (Entwistle, 2000; 32)

Are we constructed to what society tells us to wear? 
Or do we embrace our individuality? 
Does fashion shape who we are?

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