Monday 21 March 2011

All things Bright and Beautiful!

Society contracts our fashion. What to wear, how to wear it. What goes with what? The ‘Do’s and Don’ts’ of everyday wear. Which accessories go best?
Today I decided to wear something that was ‘out-there’ with regards to bright colours and a touch of kitsch. Big bright pick Hawaii looking pants are the No No’s in societies Do’s and Don’ts. I’m sure people could see me from a mile away and they were probably thinking, what on earth is she wearing?
“There is a moral order to the social, ‘correct’ and ‘incorrect’ ways of appearing (and dressing)… To be a ‘good’ person requires conformity to this moral order: when dressing, we have to orientate ourselves to different spaces which impose particular sorts of rules on how to present ourselves. When we fail to conform we risk censure or disapproval.” (Entwistle, 2000; 33)

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