Wednesday 23 March 2011

Centre Stage!

Have you ever felt like you’ve over dressed ‘just a little too much’?
Today I was dressed like an over exaggerated cow girl that Hollywood has stereotyped. Real cow-girls don’t walk around like how I did today. I got told I look like the cow-girl from Toy Story and some even thought I was from Coyote Ugly.
Different people will have their own ideas and conclusion to what you look like and ‘who you are’. The phrase ‘judging a book by its cover’ sums it up.
“Getting dressed involves different levels of consciousness in terms of how one thinks about the body and how to present it.
We are sometimes aware of our bodies as objects to be looked at, if entering particular social spaces, while at other times and in other spaces, such as at home, we do not tune into our bodies as objects to be looked at. This tuning as an object when in public spaces is similar to Goffman’s notion of ‘front stage’ (1971): In public spaces we may feel ourselves to be on view, while when alone at home we are ‘back stage’. In certain circumstances one might also be made self-conscious of appearance and dress, if say, dressed inappropriately.” (Entwistle, 2000; 31)

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